Time flies soooo fast! It's been a month already since I gave birth to Scarlett. All the hardships from the time we discovered I'm pregnant with our second child up until the 9th of May has been a series of mixed emotions. Now I'm happy that she's healthy and growing up to be a beautiful baby.
I can honestly say that I had both the feeling of excitement and nervousness at the time I discovered I was pregnant because I don't know how our life will change with another member of the family. My main concern was my MIL who's watching over Railey when I go to work. I'm worried if she can still rear another one. My hubby reassured me that our family will be happier and louder which I think is still doable for me. 😂
We had a very simple celebration to announce that he's been a month old now. When we celebrated Railey's 1st, it seemed like we prepared for his 1st birthday. It was quite lavish (for our standard) that we didn't coped up with the succeeding months after the first. That's why for Reese, we opted to have few dishes for dinner.
The celebration won't be complete without a cake of course. We had a simple one from Goldilocks and we got Palabok for a change since the past few weeks, we've been eating pancit guisado in rotation with some other occasion.
Hubby chose to get some kakanin from Susie's Cuisine and I loved their ube so much! Nathaniel's Buko Pandan salad has been great too! We ditched the ice cream since we had it in the previous weeks because we also celebrated some occasion last time.
I'm quite sure that the second month would only have a cake alone that's why I already wrote a post dedicated for this. Perhaps next post would be Reese's 1st birthday or maybe Kuya Railey's 3rd birthday. Oh, I think it would be the Christening first. Now I need to prepare for that!
Much Love, Mommy ❤

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